Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Catch some splogs yourself!

OK, I guess I'll throw in one more update.

Searching for articles that are often reproduced in splogs will turn up a lot more splogs. Not every web site with these articles is a splog, of course, since some of them are actually the source of the article. However, if the text is on a blog host, there's a good chance it's a splog. Checking dates is usually a good thing to do. One of the articles being posted to splogs is a review from 2004. Nothing fishy about that!

I'm going to post links to search results but I'm not going to mention the phrases here.

A lot of wowgold blogs can be turned up with the phrase found on the Google site on this linkand FFXI spam blogs are turned up with this one.

My investigating the extent of networks like this is meant to be more of an example or exercise than anything. My hope is that people will be able to identify patterns such as these with different types of comment spam. Even when they do the copied and pasted political mumbo-jumbo, those articles can usually be turned up on splogs as well.

Don't hesitate to report splogs you find to their respective bloghosts. You might also want to use the bookmarklet provided by SplogSpot so things can be entered into their database.

Edit: Changed the wowgold spam phrase to something shorter and sillier that seems to show up on blogs in particular.