Thursday, September 07, 2006

Current top splog user names

I know I mentioned these in another post, but the patterns are so noticeable now that I'm giving this its own entry. Once again, I'm not saying every user with these names is a spammer, but I've found all of these user names on splogs lately and it's a good way to start checking. I'm also including the FFXI stuff since there seems to be a connection. I'm breaking this into two lists based on names I've found a lot versus names I've found several times but not as often.

Most Common:
  • buywowgold
  • cheapwowgold
  • ffxigil
  • ffigilgold
  • googlewow
  • lovewow
  • nicewow
  • sellwowgold
  • wowgame
  • wowgamegold
  • wowgoldse
  • wownice

  • buywarcraftgold
  • cheapffxigilgold
  • cheapwarcraftgold
  • gwowgold
  • sellwarcraftgold
  • warcraftgold
  • wowgoldwow
  • wowwownice
The standard "wowgold" is also sometimes used but is surprisingly less common. I've found duplicate versions of the same information under that account name on a few servers, but in those cases, there hasn't been an update since 2005 and there are no distinctive links to other places, so I'm leaving it alone. Obviously, there are other user names in use, but I haven't seen them very often yet.

It's funny, but it seems I'm expecting way too much creativity from this stuff. I figured any minute, they'd run out of wowgold names and resort to stupid names like, say, "wowpreciousmetal" or at the very least, stuff like "w0wg0ld" but no, the trend is tacking on extra "wow"s.

Sept. 12 2006: Added some more user names and did some sorting.